Amanda Vi
It's coming
I have a birthday very soon! This year I want to give a gift to you and please you! I will prepare a festive program and gifts! Do not miss and follow the mail, I will talk about the birthday of birth more and more every week
Rafting season
Guys, I finally open the rafting season this year! All year I was waiting for this! I am leaving from May 8 to 12, so have time to come to me
It's important
Guys, I've changed my schedule, so now my weekends will be Wednesday and Friday!
It's X-mas soon
So miracles and magic are already here! To make your holiday more eventful, I have prepared a surprise for you, don't miss it
Today I will tell you about my favorite hobby - reading books
Reading is one of my favorite activitiesAnd today I would like to pay attention to this and talk a little more about my hobbyI'll start my story with my favorite genre. I used to love reading dystopias and classic literature. Interesting combination, isn't it? I loved reading about different worlds and experiencing different moments in time when I was completely engrossed in a book.Now I am interested in books on self-development and psychology. This helps you to recognize yourself, your desires, people and develop more and more.And the most important thing I want to tell you is My Favorite Book.Jonathan Livingston Seagull. This book has a deep meaning and when reading it you feel as if it was written about meI get goosebumps from delight when I remember this book.And finallyI would like to recommend one interesting book, "The ?hild in You Must Find a Home." If you, like me, love to understand yourself and get better every day.What do you recommend for me?
Some interesting facts about me
interesting facts about melove rafting love reading love to spend time on nature mostly love rock music go gym A little juicy information about melove sex in unusual places love to suck love do titsjob had threesome
As always need your opinion
Wow! The most mystical holiday of the year is coming soon! It's time to prepare your costume and learn more about this holiday! What suit do you think would suit me? Feel free to share your idea
who still reads books?
... me! I really love to read books espesialy paper books to smell the smell :) I love rea classics books and dystopias. But lately prefer any psy books abouit how to communicate with pleople and myself! Fo example last book I read it was Setfanie Stahl "The ch ild in you must find a home" I can reccomend it
About music...
what kind of music do I like? That's a weird question because you can hear it in my room! Rock and its various offshoots! Especially something old and groovy, but when I dance I prefer something slow, Scorpions, for example.... What's your preference?
Autumn is here!
Autumn is here! Time for warm hugs and tea! Let's warm each other together. Your warm arms envelop me and I enjoy your touch... What do you say? Rather, brew your favorite tea or take something stronger ;) And dive into my arms
...interesting do you read everything what I write here? lol And if yyes will be nice to hear your oppinion and thoughtsWith love Amanda
Wheel of Fortune!
Yes! We played it! Thank you to everyone who attended and made this day unforgettable. It was fun! We differently do it again. A lot of kisses
I fell in love with life all over again and realized how little I needed to be happy. I'm already happy and I don't need any conditions for that. This weekend I watched the pitching stars and experienced elation.It seems like such a simple thing, but it reminded me that I don't have to walk towards happiness, that happiness is already within me.And you? Are you happy now?
About me and webcam
I want to tell you about my plans here! I am sincerely in love with webcam and I want to become famous. I know what needs to be done for this and go to my goal. You can help me with this, I'm always glad to see you in my room. I appreciate your help and attention,
About rafting
Usually when you ask me about my hobbies I say RAFTING and you become worry...But noo I prefer slow rafting when I just chilling on the river lol U always can see how it looks like in my FAN CLUB) XOXO
Little vacation soon
Hello! From July 21 to July 23 I'm going on a mini vacation to a music festival. It will be cool if we spend a little time together until then, and then when I arrive I will tell you how it went on my fan club blog
New photo album coming soon!
9 of JULY GORGEOUS LEGS Hotty photos of my sexy legs will be update soon! Join my funclub to see more special!
little information about FAN CLUB
Hello! I just want to remind you that I have a fan club that you can join. What's more, you can do it for free. I will give you free access for a day if you write me a code word "yes" in chat or messenger
I have a twitter so u can follow me and know abt my out cam life little more ;) Watch my profile to
Already on Tuesday will be my first photo shoot after a long break! Am I worried? Undoubtedly! A lot has changed since the last photoshoot...Am I ready? No! haha, I don't have a single image ready, but I'll come up with something
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